Developing strategies that offer tax savings to our clients. This type of service adds value to our customers’ businesses and personal well-beings. Specifically, we help our customers retain, manage, and augment their net worth.
Areas Of Service
Restructuring of group companies: approaches for tax efficient mergers and acquisitions.
Tax Planning: saving to be found in the double taxation agreements with others countries.
Structuring of Toll / Contract Manufacturing.
Provision of overseas employee services locally in a tax safe and tax efficient manner.
Tax Risk Management
Our Services
We assist you in assessing your tax risk. Our services are as follows:
Tax Review: to identify areas of weaknesses that may cause lost opportunities or may lead to expensive and time consuming disputes with the tax authorities.
Tax Due Diligence.
Tax Manual / Guideline.
Tax Reconciliation / Equalization.
Tax Training.
Tax Litigation Service
Our Services
Tax assistance to minimize the tax exposures and liaison between the tax payer and the tax official. Our services are as follows:
Tax Audit.
VAT Refund.
Tax Law Suit (Gugatan).
Tax Objection.
Tax Reconsideration To The Supreme Court (MA).
Tax Clearance.
Tax Reduction / Exemption.
Tax Appeal.
Tax Compliance Service
Our Services
The actual preparation of local tax returns. This service assists our customers with the periodic reporting requirements:
Annual and Monthly Income Tax Returns.
Monthly VAT Returns.
Proper completion of tax invoices and payment slips: instructions reviews.
Staff instruction in proper compliance procedures.
Expatriate / Individual
Tax Service
Individual Tax Management
It is also mandatory for Individual Tax Payers, either as Small/Medium Entrepreneurs or employees or professional expertise, to comply with tax regulations. Our service are as follows:
Provisions for Small/Medium Entrepreneurs.
Preparing Individual Income Tax Returns.
Register and Revoke Tax ID Numbers.
Transfer Pricing Documentations
Our Services
As multinational companies which have related party transactions among the group, it is required to prepare Transfer Pricing Documentation. This service assists our customers for preparing below documentations:
Local File.
Master File.
Country by Country Report.
Our Services
It is cannot be denied that a lot of start-up companies established in Indonesia and they have to run their business as well as increase the profit. To meet their needs, we also provide below service:
Corporate Secretary.
Company Establishment.
Contact Us
Get In Touch
If you have any questions or want to contact us, please use the contact information
provided on our website or send us a message using the contact form provided.